

Fortnite: follow this YouTuber to raise your game

Fortnite: follow this YouTuber to raise your game
Trevor Hutchins

Trevor Hutchins

  • Updated:

Gronky, easily one of the best console Fortnite players at this time, also makes the best training videos! Although he mainly plays Xbox, you don’t have to be a console player to get some great tips from these excellent clips.

Fortnite Gronky

To show just how helpful these videos can be, we’ll go through a few case studies in Gronky’s videos and describe a few ways their advice personally helped us improve at Fortnite. of course, Everyone who watches will likely have their own takeaways, so implement whatever stands out to you.

Fortnite training videos by Gronky

Visiting the Channel

ChannelHead over to Gronky’s YouTube channel.

We highly recommend subscribing to the channel. As you’ll see later, Gronky often posts videos about the most pressing updates to Fortnite’s weapons and game mechanics with in-depth analysis of the effects, coupled with excellent gameplay footage to demonstrate what he’s describing.

When you’re finished with the latest, check out his large library of past videos! From the moment Gronky began making YouTube content to the present, he’s developed excellent training videos that show entertaining clips of Fortnite battles.

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Finally, we’d like to note: many of the titles and thumbnail art may seem clickbaity. Don’t be tricked: Gronky’s videos are usually 10-minute sessions filled to the brim with good advice and solid information.

Let’s talk about a few examples!


Every Fortnite player wants to know the very best settings, whether they’re playing computer or console.

Gronky began a series of videos that details his entire controller setup, from view sensitivity to build mechanics. Since the release of his first discussion, they’ve become some of the most popular Fortnite instructional videos on the web, especially for Xbox and PS4 users.

One of the nice things we noticed: Gronky argues firmly for settings he believes shouldn’t be changed, and provides a few points that may be subjective. This creates a more realistic view of how things really work in-game.

For example, he strongly advises turning up the edit sensitivity because it’s clearly proven that building requires far less accuracy than aiming. For other settings, like the deuteranope colorblind mode, Gronky notes that it can help but mostly comes down to personal choice. The deuteranope mode has been known to provide better visibility in the storm.

You probably won’t need more than one settings video (the latest, we’d guess), but we certainly enjoy watching them when they come out. New settings and changes happen often!


Gronky’s improvement videos bring pro tips to common players! Like all other Fortnite pros, he suffered through dry spells where improvement was difficult and progress came slow. Now, like an ice climber pulling their friend over the next ledge, these videos are essentially the tips Gronky would’ve liked to have while improving.

If you’re playing Fortnite often but can’t seem to improve, it’s possible you need help!

A few things that stood out to us here:

1. Always aim for the head. We forget this often; it’s far better to miss a few shots aiming for the head, than consistently hit the safer but low-damage body shots. You will get better at headshots and find yourself eliminating enemies much faster, the same can’t be said with aiming for the torso.

2. When you develop tunnel vision (running into fights without thinking, usually caused by getting tilted) take a second to play differently! Land somewhere nice, maybe track down challenges and fortbytes awhile. Soon enough, you’ll be ready to play level-headed again.

3. DON’T JUMP (in shotgun battles). If you don’t have a controller with back paddles and jumping is attached to “A” (on Xbox), you have to completely remove your finger from the aim stick to perform a jump. This means your aim will be completely lost during a shotgun fight!

These are very few details Gronky covers in one video alone, but they stood out to us personally. Get out of your funk and improve quicker by watching these discussions and focusing on whatever stands out to you!


We wish we knew about this a long time ago.

It’s astounding: Fortnite requires so much finesse and skill and attention to detail that many tricks and “secrets” aren’t known by a large number of players! Some of our favorite pros like Ninja and Nick Mercs have mentioned these, but nobody has yet compiled the info like Gronky!

In the video above, he details the specifics of aim assist, an aspect of Fortnite play that every console player should use! Controller players that aren’t actively practicing aim assist will be at an enormous disadvantage when playing against those on computers.

Before watching this video, we found it nearly impossible to hit other players at long range. When Ninja shot people out of the sky, we couldn’t believe it was possible.  After watching, we began seeing controller players like Nick Mercs use aim assist all the time. They’re employing one of the few advantages for console players, ensuring they’re somewhat competitive against the PC Master Race.

Don’t miss out on tips like these!


Fortnite receives updates all the time.

Unfortunately, though Gronky recommends not taking a break from the game longer than two days, we often take time away for mental health (it can be triggering, let’s be honest). When that happens, you may re-enter the playing field and find yourself in a wildly different world, with guns nerfed, new equipment pickups added, and items unvaulted!

With astounding turnaround time, Gronky releases videos discussing the updates, along with helpful analysis of how they’re going to affect gameplay, along with tactics for using/avoiding/exploiting the change.

As you can see in the video above, the revolver has been added back to Fortnite’s season 9. Since Fortnite’s shotguns are often slow, many of the best players combine them with other quick-switch, close-range weapons like the SMG and Deagle. It’s possible the revolver may be a great sidearm, though Gronky suggests a few considerations before you give it a try.

Thanks to videos like these, you’ll have as much info as the best players!


No Fortnite professional creates training, tip, and update videos like Gronky. Although his advice is often aimed at console players trying to keep up with the computer players, there are great bits of information for everyone who enjoys a game of Fortnite.

Give it a try!

Trevor Hutchins

Trevor Hutchins

Trevor Hutchins writes screenplays, novels, and articles from his home in La Mirada, California. He self-published hist first novel, 'Wynden's Legacy,' on Amazon in May of 2017 and hasn't stopped writing since.

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